Adam started his life of outdoor adventures around his home in northern Wisconsin. Through scouts and his college outdoor program he found his love for rock climbing.
Adam studied at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls where he studied Elementary Education and worked in their outdoor program as the student manager, head trip leader, route setter, as well as a guest lecture and guide for many of their outdoor education classes. The summer before his senior year he interned with Acadia Mountain Guides that solidified his desire to become a full time climbing guide after college.
In the past couple years Adam has guided all over the US including Wisconsin, Minnesota, Utah, New Hampshire, and Maine where he now serves as a Single Pitch Instructor and Professional Climbing Instructors Association: Indoor Provider for Acadia Mountain Guides Climbing School.
Guiding Credentials
AMGA Single Pitch Instructor
PCIA Single Pitch Climbing Instructor
PCIA Indoor Course Provider
AIARE Level 1 Avalanche Training
Medical and Rescue Credentials
Wilderness First Responder
Red Cross First Aid & CPR Course Provider
Educational Crendentials
B.S. in Elementary Education, Minor in Outdoor Education