Acadia Mountain Guides Course & Guiding Corona 19 Practices

Is there risk of being exposed to COVID-19 while participating in an Acadia Mountain Guides program?

Like other forms of the flu the answer is “yes.”  The only way to fully limit your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19 is to not participate and to live in isolation. Strains of COVID-19 have been shown to be more virulent and harmful than other types of flu. To ensure all clients are aware and accepting of this risk, all clients must complete and sign our Acknowledgement of Risk / Release of Liability form containing COVID-19 information before participating in one of our guided programs or instructional courses.

Like other forms of risk, we cannot eliminate it completely. Therefore, we seek to manage all forms of risk as best as we can just as we do in the mountains.

How does AMG manage COVID-19 risk?

Your health and well-being is of utmost importance to us. The same is true for our guides and instructional team. We are accustomed to managing risk – risk from cold, risk of rockfall, risk of falling, risk of avalanche and now, risk from COVID-19. We manage such risk via planning and preparation and ask that you join us in keeping everyone healthy.

Here is how we can work together to manage the COVID-19 risk:

  • AMG strongly encourages vaccination and booster vaccination. Some of our programs may be limited to vaccinated clients only.
  • All guides and clients must participate in COVID-19 Daily Health Screen at the start of each day. The screening will include the following questions:
  1. Temperature assessment. Forehead temperature taken in 65 – 70 F environment.
    If >100 F/ 37.8 C) –> negative COVID-19 test must be obtained prior to participation.
  2. Have you been diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 10 days?
    If yes, –> negative COVID-19 test must be obtained prior to participation.
  3. In the last 48 hours have you had any of the following signs or symptoms: 
    Fever (>100 F/ 37.8 C), recent chills, body aches/ muscle pain, headache, sore  throat, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea (3+ stools in 24 hours), new loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath, uncontrolled cough, new runny nose or sinus congestion (different than seasonal allergies) or fatigue?
    If 2 or more of above –> negative COVID-19 test must be obtained prior to participation.                                                            
  4. In the last 14 days have you had any exposure to COVID + person while not wearing proper full PPE (N-95 mask, gloves, and eye protection as minimum)?
    If yes, –> negative COVID-19 test must be obtained prior to participation.
  5. Any travel outside of U.S. in last 30 days?
    If yes, –> negative COVID-19 test must be obtained prior to participation.
  • If you do not pass the screening, you may be subject to additional screening questions. If your participation in the outing is not recommended, you will be given the option to reschedule at no cost, or receive a guaranteed 100% credit or refund.
  • AMG will limit the size of indoor courses such that physical distancing is possible.
  • AMG will ask participants to wear masks while participating in indoor activities.
  • Outdoor groups should wear masks when physical distancing is less than 6 feet.   
  • Carpooling among participants is discouraged unless from the same household. If done, masks should be worn.
  • We will not share food, drink or clothing so please prepare adequately. We will not greet you with a hand shake but with a big, friendly smile hidden by our face covering.
  • Given the parking challenges in Acadia National Park, the guide may ride with client if all wear masks while in vehicle. 
  • In as much as possible we will meet and gear up outside, where studies show COVID-19 exposure is decreased.
  • Practice good hygiene. Sanitize hands often, especially when using shared gear.
  • Wilderness medical assessment and practical skills: If physical exams are being conducted on each other or the activity requires physical contact with another student, students will wear  gloves and a face mask (N-95 masks will be available but optional). Glasses, goggles, or face shields are advised but not required.  
  • Avalanche class field sessions: Physical distancing will be maintained while hiking or skiing. Masks should be readily available on a person should we contact other travelers or wish to come close together for teaching purposes. While doing pit work, winter gloves should be worn. Students should maintain the use of the same equipment throughout the course. Any exchange of equipment should first be disinfected.
  • First aid / Basic Life Support procedures have been modified and will favor personal protection over patient care.
  • Basic Life Support. Recognizing the low statistical likelihood of successful field resuscitation along with the enhanced risk of infection transmission the follow modifications apply:
    • If cardiac or respiratory arrest, ventilations should not be provided until an adequate mouth/nose mask seal is available such as a pocket mask fitted with an HME/viral filter is used preferably with a second person to maintain mask seal at all times.
    • A pocket mask / HME system will be available in at least one guide pack per location.
  • Use of multi dose inhaler (MDI). In the case of mild / moderate respiratory distress, the client may self administer using an MDI as long as 10 – 12′ of social distance is maintained and masking in place.
  • Severe Asthma. Guide should forego use of MDI, and move directly to epinephrine .3mg IM

If you have concerns, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss them in a realistic and transparent manner.

Failure follow our risk management guidelines may require us to ask you to end the day prematurely. We appreciate your understanding and participation.